Any person who gets behind the wheel of a car is required to take every measure possible to keep themselves and other drivers safe. That means they should not be so fatigued that they cannot operate a vehicle responsibly and safely. Yet, in Florida, drowsy driving is a concern, and it can impact many people who are on the road with a tired driver. A Sarasota car accident attorney from Shapiro | Delgado can help you file a claim.
Two Causes of Drowsy Driving
The Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Department provides clarity on what causes drowsy driving:
- A lack of quality or enough sleep to allow a person to be focused and mentally sharp is often caused by insufficient sleep before getting behind the wheel.
- Driving at times of the day when a person is normally sleeping; this is especially true of younger drivers who are driving at night and shift workers.
Whether you have an untreated sleep disorder and cannot get enough sleep or you are working on a night shift and just tired behind the wheel, there is no excuse for getting behind the wheel of a vehicle.
What Are the Risks of Drowsy Driving in Florida?
A person who is tired and trying to operate a vehicle puts many others at risk. Even if you think that yawning and being sleepy is no big deal, there are several factors that play a role in what happens next:
- A tired driver cannot react fast enough to changing road conditions. If someone moves into your lane – and they did so properly – but you did not slow down in time, you are to blame.
- A tired driver is more likely to speed or engage in reckless behaviors that put other drivers at risk. You may be in a hurry to get home, or you may not realize the speed limit dropped in one area or the next.
- A drowsy driver is not able to focus solely on the road. You may try to turn the raid up or open the window to keep yourself awake, but ultimately, you cannot focus well enough to be behind the wheel of a car.
How to Know If Someone Is Drowsy Driving
Drowsy driving is not always obvious. However, some common signs that the person on the road with you is tired (or that you are tired yourself) include the following:
- Driving under the speed limit. In some situations, you may try to compensate for your fatigue by slowing down often to reduce the risk of causing an accident.
- Swerving or changing lanes frequently. This can also be a sign that someone is not operating a vehicle safely, especially if they are changing lanes without signaling.
- Missing lights or stop signs. A tired driver may not realize they need to stop, and that could lead to an accident at an intersection.
Florida drowsy driving is a real problem, but without a doubt, it can be hard to know a person was tired while behind the wheel. Working with a car accident attorney could be essential.