Have you or someone you love experienced a fall resulting from a property owner or manager’s negligent action or inaction? If so, the Bradenton slip and fall attorneys at Shapiro | Delgado wants to share that you may be eligible for financial compensation.
Our vibrant team of Bradenton personal injury attorneys have decades of experience in all domains of personal injury law, including premises liability and slip and fall cases. We demonstrate our confidence in working towards a successful conclusion in your case by the fact that we don’t take any compensation unless we reach a winning legal settlement or verdict.
Reach out today for your free, no-obligation slip and fall case review.
Falling is a nationwide public health crisis for older adults. In 2020, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) found that it was the leading cause of death for individuals over 65. Even if a fall did not cause premature death for an individual, there were 3 million visits to emergency rooms due to falling.
But slipping and falling doesn’t just affect the elderly. The National Safety Council ranks falling as the third highest cause of preventable injury-related death. A third of non-fatal emergency room visits (for individuals of all ages) are due to falling. In contrast, 8% percent of all non-fatal emergency room visits are due to motor vehicle accidents.
In Florida specifically, over a quarter of residents suffered an injury attributable to falling in 2018, according to data provided by the CDC. Since Florida has the second oldest population in the United States from the 2020 Census count, slip and fall prevention should be of utmost importance to Floridians.
To better understand what governs a slip and fall case, individuals first need to understand what a premises liability case is.
At its core, premises liability posits that property owners, managers, and even occupiers are responsible for accidents on their property.
Four things must be present for a negligent property owner or occupant to be sued for a victim’s slip and fall as a premises liability action:
The level of duty of care largely depends on the type of relationship the injured party has with the property owner. Why the victim was on the property can impact the level of the duty of care an owner owes them.
Common property issues that could result in a victim slipping and falling include:
The Bradenton slip and fall attorneys at Shapiro | Delgado never back down from a legal battle. We’ve proudly gotten settlements and verdicts in the millions of dollars for those we work with.
For example, in some of our premises liability cases, we’ve gotten settlements and verdicts of up to $500,000 for our clients.
Contact the Bradenton slip and fall lawyers for your free case review today by filling out our online form or call the Bradenton office at (941) 749-1446.