When you’re in a car accident, you need to get legal help quickly to ensure you are setting yourself up to file a successful claim against the other driver. Take a look at five reasons to hire a car accident lawyer to help you get compensation for any injuries or vehicle damage you sustained in the crash.
Immediately after an accident, you might be concerned with getting treatment for any injuries you suffered, and making sure any damage to your vehicle is repaired. Unfortunately, there is a lot more you need to consider – like can I hold the other driver responsible for the damages. This is why it’s essential to hire a car accident lawyer. An attorney knows your legal rights and what steps you need to take to ensure you can file a lawsuit and collect the correct compensation you are owed.
Without an attorney, you might be willing to settle for fewer damages than you are owed. A lawyer can help you calculate the amount you are owed – including compensation for medical expenses, property damage, pain and suffering, loss of income at work, and more. A car accident lawyer can fight for you until you are awarded the right amount and you get the compensation you are owed.
After a crash, you might brush off minor injuries as not being a big deal and not have them looked at by a medical professional. However, a car accident lawyer can advise you to have any injury – no matter how minor – evaluated by a doctor. What appears to be minor might be something more serious. Or, a more severe issue might develop later. By having the issue evaluated by a professional immediately after the accident, you have medical documentation on record that can be used to verify the injuries that resulted from the crash. If you suffer a more serious injury, it’s important to have the injuries evaluated immediately. You will need your medical records to use as evidence when seeking damages for your medical expenses and potentially ongoing treatment.
The legal system is complex, making it impossible for everyday citizens to know the ins and outs. You need to hire a car accident lawyer to represent you and to ensure your case is represented accurately. This prevents you from having to perform your own research and can protect you from getting taken advantage of by the other driver or an insurance company.
After an accident, insurance companies will likely try to settle with you for less than your claim is worth or try to deny it altogether. If you are representing yourself, it can be difficult to win against large companies. However, an experienced car accident lawyer can represent you and help you get your claim approved and get the damages you are owed.
If you were in a car accident, you need help from top-rated, hard-working representation. At Shapiro|Delgado, our attorneys put their injury law experience to work for you. And we handle cases on a contingency basis, which means we don’t get paid unless you do.
We represent clients throughout Florida, including Sarasota, Bradenton, Tampa, Saint Petersburg, Pinellas County, and surrounding communities.
To set up a free personal consultation, call 941-954-4000 or use our convenient online contact form.
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