We understand. Talking to an attorney about your accident can be stressful, but we’re here to help. Here’s a list of things that we suggest you bring with you when consulting with your Florida personal injury lawyer. Keep in mind that every case is a little different, so you may not need all of the items on the list.
If you are in an automobile accident, someone probably called the police. However, if the police did not arrive, you still have the responsibility under Florida law to report your car accident to the police within 10 days of the accident. You can get a copy of police reports related to your accident from Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. If the report is not available yet, go ahead and meet with your attorney anyway.
Florida personal injury lawyers handle other types of cases, though. Some cases will not require police involvement, like those involving defective products, pharmacy errors, and medical malpractice.
It’s a good idea to take pictures at the scene if you are able and if it’s safe to do so. This suggestion applies to many types of personal injury cases. For example, if you were injured by a defective product, pictures of the product and your injuries might be helpful to your Florida personal injury lawyer. Pictures might be unnecessary in medical malpractice and defamation cases.
Anyone who witnessed the accident that caused your injury could provide helpful testimony. At an accident scene, whether involving an auto or a slippery floor, try to get the names and phone numbers of potential witnesses.
Your lawyer might have to talk to your insurance company, so bring your insurance information to your consultation. Here, again, it depends on the unique facts of your case. If in doubt – and the insurance information is easy to get – bring it with you just in case.
You might have already gotten letters, emails, and forms from an insurance company before you meet with your Florida personal injury attorney. Bring everything with you so your lawyer can better understand how the insurer views the situation.
Also, sometimes insurance companies will call about an injury. Take notes of who called you and what was said but avoid being interviewed until you have spoken with an attorney about your Florida personal injury.
Most injuries involve medical treatment. So, please bring any medical records or bills in your possession when you meet with your Florida personal injury attorney. This gives them a good initial impression of the extent of your injuries and any future medical expenses you might incur. Your attorney can also prepare a list of medical providers and start gathering evidence to support your claim.
Some personal injury cases also involve property damage. The example that comes to mind for most people is the damage done to a car during an auto accident, but other property could be damaged as well. Information about repairs and estimates is helpful to your Florida personal injury lawyer as he or she discusses your potential claim with you.
Finally, you might have incurred other expenses related to your accident. For a car accident, you might have paid a tow truck or rented a car. You might have had to hire someone to do your housework or maintain your home while you recover from your injuries. Your attorney can review your receipts while considering how much compensation you deserve.
If you have been hurt because of someone else’s negligence, you need help from top-rated, hard-working representation. At Shapiro|Delgado, our attorneys put their injury law experience to work for you. And we handle cases on a contingency basis, which means we don’t get paid unless you do.
We represent clients throughout Florida, including Sarasota, Bradenton, Tampa, Saint Petersburg, Pinellas County, and surrounding communities.
To set up a free personal consultation, call 941-954-4000 or use our convenient online contact form.
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