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How Comparative Negligence Affects Liability in Florida Car Accidents

March 20, 2023 Legal Team
What is Comparative Negligence? Comparative negligence is a system of sharing fault for an accident. When drivers are involved in a car accident, they may be assigned any percentage of total fault for that accident or a driver may be assigned no fault at all. For example, two parties equally at-fault for an accident...
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Most Common Car Accident Injuries

May 10, 2022 Legal Team
Unfortunately, car crashes are incredibly common. Whether it’s an accident on the highway, on a busy street, or even on a side street, car accident injuries can be sustained in a variety of crashes. Common Types of Car Accident Injuries Take a look at some of the most common types of car accident injuries....
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What Legal Options You Have After a Catastrophic Injury

May 3, 2022 Legal Team
A catastrophic injury can instantly change a person’s life. One minute you might be a perfectly healthy individual with full usage of all of your limbs and unlimited potential. Then in an instant, an accident can occur that leaves you mentally altered from a brain injury, or paralyzed due to a spinal injury. When...
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Pedestrian Accident: Know Your Rights

April 26, 2022 Legal Team
A pedestrian accident can occur anywhere. If you are hit by a car while out walking or running, your immediate concern should be your well-being. Then, after the shock wears off and you’ve assessed the severity of your injuries, you should then think about how to hold the driver responsible. While getting hit can...
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Car Accident: What Information You Should Get from the Other Driver

April 19, 2022 Legal Team
When you’re in a car accident, there are many tasks you must complete before leaving the crash scene. One of the most important things you must do is get key information from the other driver – or drivers – involved in the accident. Gathering this information will be vital when working with your insurance...
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