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Auto Accidents: Easy Ways To Prove You’re Not At-Fault

April 12, 2022 Legal Team
Auto accidents can cause immediate panic. After the screeching brakes and the awful sound of your car hitting another vehicle in a car accident, your mind will start to race. Eventually, when you start to think clearly, you might realize, “This wasn’t my fault.” If you know the other driver caused the accident, there...
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Ways to Avoid Bicycle Accidents

April 5, 2022 Legal Team
Bicycle accidents can happen frequently, and can lead to injuries. Whether you are riding your bike for a leisurely outing, a workout, or if you’re commuting to work or school, you can be at risk of getting into an accident. While we tend to think of riding a bike as safer than being in...
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Brain Injuries: 6 Common Causes

March 29, 2022 Legal Team
Brain injuries can be life-altering. These can quickly leave you incapacitated and unable to take care of yourself, your home, or others. In an instant, you can go from being fully independent to suddenly relying on others to help complete daily tasks. You may need to alter your home, change your job, or even...
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Slip and Fall Injuries: 7 of the Most Common Locations

March 22, 2022 Legal Team
Slip and fall injuries can occur at any time, and in any place. Even benign-looking locations can turn into dangerous situations under the right conditions – between wet surfaces, uneven flooring, and more. Take a look at some of the most common locations where slip and fall injuries occur. On the Sidewalks Walking down...
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Damages Your Car Accident Lawyers Can Seek After a Crash

March 15, 2022 Legal Team
Car accident lawyers may be the last think on your mind when you are in a wreck. When you’re involved in a car accident, your immediate concern is typically “Am I or is anyone else hurt?” not if you need car accident lawyers. After you take inventory of your injuries and check on your...
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