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Are Slip-and-Fall Accidents Really a Big Deal?

June 30, 2021 Legal Team
Slipping on a puddle of water or a banana peel that’s been carelessly tossed on the floor might seem like no big deal. That is until you see your medical bills. Then you realize the income you lost while recovering from your injuries has put you in a precarious financial position. So, some people...
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Brain Trauma: Life-Altering Injuries Caused by Auto Accidents

June 23, 2021 Legal Team
At first, Emily’s car crash didn’t seem to have caused much physical damage Fortunately, she went to the emergency room anyway, just to get checked out. Symptoms of severe brain trauma appeared quickly. ER staff were able to save her, but the injuries she sustained were life-altering. Contacting a Sarasota personal injury lawyer could...
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AVVO Ratings: What They Are and Why They Matter

June 16, 2021 Legal Team
As online retailing has soared, customers have become farther and farther removed from retailers. Instead of word-of-mouth, companies rely more on reviews and ratings to guide consumers’ decision-making. Likewise, people look for background information and testimonials when searching for professionals, including attorneys. When potential clients start comparing law firms, they typically look for signs...
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10 Common Personal Injury Claims – a Few Might Surprise You

June 11, 2021 Legal Team
As the saying goes, “Accidents happen.” Yes, they certainly do, and in a wide variety of ways. When it comes to personal injury claims, though, there are several common types of accidents. In this article, we’ll look at some you’ve heard of and a few that you might not have realized fall into the...
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8 Things to Bring When You Meet with Your Florida Personal Injury Lawyer

May 13, 2021 Legal Team
We understand. Talking to an attorney about your accident can be stressful, but we’re here to help. Here’s a list of things that we suggest you bring with you when consulting with your Florida personal injury lawyer. Keep in mind that every case is a little different, so you may not need all of...
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